Reflect back using retrospectives
We're flying through time. In a retrospective you pause and take time to reflect together and decide how to move forward. Our Classic Templatekeeps things simple for both beginners & old practioners
Look back on what went well. Notice and say thank you for specific acts of generosity. Highlight events, experiences, and show appreciation for why your relationship works.
Some examples:
- In the past week we managed to not fight
- Tim cooked the best pasta ever!
- Our travel fund increased by $200
Retrospective is the time to tell your partner about something that has annoyed you. How would he know otherwise? ... And be prepared to accept some honest feedback from him.
But remember to stay constructive.
Some examples:
- John broke our agreement to have dinner together on Wendesdays
- Sandra feels she needs to handle most of the chores
Action points
Failures are an opportunity to grow & improve in our relationships. That's why we turn them into action points.
Best action points are SMART (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, time-related). Otherwise - how would you measure your success?
An action point can be about anything - about material or experience goals, relationship issues (such as how you communicate with each other), or anything else that would bring you closer to your vision
Tips for preparing the retrospective meeting
Settle a frequency for retrospectives - do it weekly, biweekly, monthly or quarterly.
Set a reminder in your calendar to not have to worry about forgetting the retrospective or not having time for it
Take around 10min at the beginning of a meeting to do some individual reflecting. It’s a time saver for everyone.
Move from previous retrospective's action points to positives to negatives to new action points.
Find a comfortable and quiet place to eliminate all possible distractions
Set a time limit. It helps you stay focused
Had a lousy holiday? Do an exceptional retrospective.

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